We create ecosystems for sustainable climate changing.
From Individuals’ gardens to Community park networks, “We create spaces for peace and beauty”.
What is the meaning of our garden? How do we experience it?
Indoor and outdoor green spaces have the purpose to support our unique experiences and journeys.
Our work is specialized in connecting to our clients' personal wishes, and we use those information and energies to create garden design and facilitate bespoke experiences that are like no others.
Whether our customers are looking for relaxation, enjoyment, express their creativity, meditation or connecting to loved ones, in our unique Garden Interview we explore together what is important to them.
Combining our experience in gardening and systemic facilitations, we are able to explore what is supporting and what is holding back, including past events that may be unknown to the client.
Our cutting-edge work draws on Emotional Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Ancestral resources, Nature and more through our lists of innovative services.
Through our work, our clients and their guests can connect to meanings and energies for wellbeing and fulfilment.
We have called Garden Insight the solutions that connect and resource. For each Garden Interview, our clients receive their Garden Insights written in beautiful frames.
One Garden Insight we discovered was the Garden Soul in the form of a fountain with specific words written at its base.
Another Garden Insight we discovered was our client's Family Soul, manifested through the colours of the planting scheme.
Our services are for homeowners, gardeners, architects, engineers, park managers, students, civic managers, decision makers, organisational managers.
- Online and in person, we are Garden Facilitators of your relationship to your unique Garden Purpose and Creative Tension
- We create garden design and facilitate authentic garden experiences based upon your unique Garden Purpose
- We utilize ancient and modern Consciousness practices to access information and energies
- We systemically explore in the garden Timeline what holds back and what supports garden fruition
- Integral Gardening 'makes meaning' of specific energies for reflection, enjoyment, creativity, development
and discover how we can work with you