At Integral Gardens we recognize that well-being resources for individuals are different from collective resources. And we retrieve them both for Wholeness. We have developed a breakthrough practice of making-meaning Garden Insights, that through our Consciousness Garden Interview accesses and honours personal and collective truths, rendering them visible as garden elements, or complete living Vision Landscapes that our clients can recognize and co-create.
Through plants and natural elements vibrations, our Garden Insights become a gateway we can tune in to, to consciously connect to our energies for healthier belonging. For the Rhythm we can be part of. A Garden Insight we discovered was a fountain with words at its base to manifest the Garden Soul. Another Insight were the garden colours reflecting the Family Soul. We don’t apply generic principles or ideas of Nature that fit everybody in the same way. We design co-creative processes that combine cutting-edge, global expertise in individual and collective natural health, that retrieves Nature as direct, unfiltered resource for deeper, more sustainable belonging, together with our long standing intergenerational expertise as nurserymen, garden designers, parks restorators, landscapers and gardeners.
Integral Gardens was intentionally founded and is based at Charles Darwin’s birthplace, Shrewsbury, England. We provide our Insight-based garden design, landscaping, restorations, maintenance, coaching and wellbeing facilitations in person and worldwide online.
Regardless of Time, our expert Enquiry team map and retrieve information and resources from natural systems of belonging of individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, cultures, eco-regions, and planetary dynamics of Universal value. Whether as a brand new garden, an organizational space, a community park or as historical grounds, the result of our work is a Space that reflects, facilitates and can restore our individual and collective connections to natural forces that support our unique Journey and our collective Journeys, in flow. Individual and Collective. Here and now.
Founder and integral practitioner, has a multi-generational commercial experience with business management, garden design, landscape and garden management.
I was born in a multi generational family of plants growers, garden designers, landscapers and garden centre retailers.
The place where I was born in Italy lies on the border of an ancient volcano, now housing a lake; in those areas, rooted into ancient volcanic ashes, my ancestors planted orchards and vineyards, produced wines, and built taverns to host visitors.
After qualifying in business management I joined the family business, where I started learning the other aspects of this industry.
When I saw clients requesting their gardens being designed, during the interviews I often saw lack of clarity regarding their own real wishes, and other times they gave the designers the task to provide the designer's own personal interpretations. Other clients wanted gardens of fashion on the media.
I kept for many years my inner question? “ How would it be if people could have a garden that truly is personal to them, their families and those who they love? How would they feel? “
Over the time I developed my other interests about other cultures, philosophies, poetry, religions, consciousness, histories and other approaches to the human condition.
After having moved abroad, during years of attending and witnessing cross-cultural systemic work, I realized the depth and impacts that intergenerational dynamics have on our cultures, beliefs and choices, both at individual and collective levels.
And I also discovered how modern consciousness approaches blended with ancient wisdoms are transforming across the world deeply challenging systemic approaches into powerful, sustainable solutions for our ways of living, from individual endeavours to organizational and community-wide systemic practices.
It was then when I approached some trained professional facilitators to explore my idea to integrate with my gardening practice the systemic processes and methodologies already utilized in many other industries and communities worldwide.
In 2013 I wrote a white paper called: " A Constellation enlightens my Garden "
We therefore discovered an entire host of new possibilities, inspirations and solutions to many challenges that I have been seeing across the garden design and garden fruition for many years.
Vineyards were I was born produce fruits growing deep roots through volcanic ashes and receiving sunlight.
Seeking to distill the same essence of deep continuity and renovation, I founded Integral Gardens with the intention to offer my own journey, explorations and experiences to serve people interested in discovering their personal journeys through their garden experiences.